Top 10 Best-Designed Christian Blogs

Most Christian bloggers, in prudence, host their blogs either on or Google’s Blogger. There are, however, a good number who prefer to have a unique domain name and host their blogs with commercial web hosting companies.

Since most blogs on the aforementioned blog services are limited in the variety of themes/templates they can use, not many of them will be featured in this list. There are, however, a couple that have made the list because of their innovative use of graphics that make them stand out.

All 10 blogs featured are listed solely on the merit of their designs. This is one of those rare cases where, like the Emergent church, I’ll ignore theology and just look at the superficial, i.e. I do not necessarily agree with all that’s written in the featured blogs. Without further ado, here are the top 10 best-designed Christian blogs in no particular order:
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