Dropbox: A Great Way to Store, Synch, Share Files, and Collaborate

DropboxThere are quite a few services available where you can sign up for a free account and receive online storage space to store your files. Having tried a few, I’ve found Dropbox to be the best among the available services, even trumping Box.net.

Such online storage services are great if you work on documents and files on a number of computers in different locations. Personally, I like to sometimes bring work home so I can concentrate on completing the task in the dead of the night when there are few distractions. Sure, you can always email the file(s) to yourself or FTP it to a server, but why bother when you can just use a service like Dropbox?

What makes Dropbox different?

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Reading Habits — Managing your reading list, bookmarks and RSS feeds

For most of us, much of our lives nowadays revolve around navigating the (Mis)Information Highway where there’s (almost) always something good to read. In the process of doing so, we are bound to come across some information we’d like to keep bookmarked.

When information piles up, how do you keep track of what you’ve read, what you’d love to read and what information you’d like to store for reference at a later date?

Different people will recommend various methods to do the above; here, I will share some of my tips on managing the huge library of information that’s at our fingertips, and I hope you’ll find a tip or two helpful.

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